Sabah's Top 10 Waterfalls

Top 10 Waterfalls of Sabah

The mountainous terrain of Sabah makes us the land of waterfalls. There are thousands of waterfalls in Sabah forest, most are waiting for explorers to name them. Looking at waterfall can calm our minds better than watching the whirling movement in washing machine. So I compile a list of Sabah’s Top 10 Waterfalls for those who want to enjoy heavy doses of negative ions.

location map of top 10 Sabah waterfalls
Pic: the location of Top 10 Sabah waterfalls.

Besides Scale, this waterfall ranking is also based on Popularity, Accessibility and Travel Experience. That’s why some giant waterfalls are not listed. For example, though Kadamaian Waterfall is the highest waterfall of Sabah, it is too difficult to get there. Please note that most height measurement is by estimation.

No. 10. Kiansom Waterfall

Location: Inanam, Kota Kinabalu
Height: 7-Meter (23 Feet)
Kiansom Waterfall
Yes, I know, Kiansom is the smallest waterfall in the top 10 list. It is listed because it is the most famous, accessible and visited waterfall in Kota Kinabalu city. I can’t exclude the waterfall that everyone loves.
» Read more about Kiansom Waterfall…

No. 9. Gelas Waterfall

Location: Tawau Hills Park, Tawau
Height: 12 Meters (40 Feet)
Gelas Waterfall
Gelas Waterfall is situated in Tawau Hills Park, a lush rainforest zone and source of five rivers. Hiking to Gelas Waterfall is a pleasure to nature lovers, and you also can soak in sulphurous hot springs in the park.
» Read more about Gelas Waterfall…

No. 8. Tawai Waterfall

Location: Tawai Forest Reserve, Telupid
Height: 95 Meters (311 Feet)
Tawai Waterfall
Tawai Waterfall is the least-known waterfall, but its view is so spectacular that it will blow you away. The area around this waterfall is full of Borneo pitcher plant. Denmark’s biggest television network, Tv2, has chosen this waterfall for filming of “Girls Off The Beaten Track”.
» Read more about Tawai Waterfall…

Family-Friendly Adventures

No. 7. Madai Falls

Location: Madai-Baturong Forest Reserve, Kunak
Height: 40 Meter (131 Feet)
Madai Falls
Madai Falls is probably the first Sabah waterfall visited by human, maybe a caveman about 28,000 years ago. I’m not joking. Archaeologists say Madai-Baturong has the oldest human settlement of Sabah. I believe stone-age people love waterfalls as much as we do.
» Read more about Madai Falls…

No. 6. Fairy Waterfall

Location: Danum Valley, Lahad Datu
Height: 27 Meters (89 Feet)
Fairy Waterfall
This shy Fairy Waterfall is hiding deep inside the 130-million Borneo rainforest of Danum Valley. The photo here may not look impressive because it was taken during prolonged drought. Danum Valley will be nominated as the next UNESCO World Heritage Site of Sabah/Borneo.
» Read more about Fairy Waterfall…

No. 5. Fefukan Waterfall

Location: Long Pasia
Wide: 20 Meters (66 Feet)
Fefukan Waterfall
To see Fefukan, Travellers need to hike a long way to the Heart of Borneo, making it the most remote and least visited waterfall in my list. Camping next to this waterfall is one of my most unforgettable experience. Lucky visitors would see blooming rafflesia around there.
» Read more about Fefukan Waterfall…

No. 4. Mahua Waterfall

Location: Tambunan
Height: 17 Meters (55 Feet)
Mahua Waterfall
As part of the Crocker Range Park, Mahua Waterfall is protected as a water catchment area. Hence, visitors can enjoy cooling and refreshing water from clean mountain stream. On the way to Mahua Waterfall, you may drop by Tambunan Rafflesia Center to check if you are lucky enough to see a blooming rafflesia.
» Read more about Mahua Waterfall…

No. 3. Imbak Falls

Location: The Heart of Sabah, Tongod
Wide: 30-Meter (98 Feet)
Imbak Falls

Imbak Falls
Even though Imbak Falls is only 6 Meters (20 feet) high, it is the widest waterfall of Sabah. I just love sitting in the river, as the strong current turns its waterfall pond into a Jacuzzi bath area.
» Read more about Imbak Falls…

No. 2. Langanan Waterfall

Location: Poring, Kinabalu Park
Height: 120 Meters (394 Feet)
Langanan Waterfall
Located in Poring Hot Springs, the most popular destination of Sabah and 1st UNESCO World Heritage Site of Malaysia, the majestic view of 120-Meter-tall Langanan Waterfall is only saved for those visitors who are keen to hike nearly 4 Kilometers (2.3 Miles). It is more enjoyable to soak yourself in the hot spring after a long walk in the jungle.
» Read more about Langanan Waterfall…

No. 1. Maliau Falls

Location: Maliau Basin, Tawau
Height (of the highest tier): 28-Meter (92 Feet)
Maliau Falls
Here you go. The No.1 Waterfall of Sabah is the 7-tier Maliau Falls in Maliau Basin, Sabah’s Lost World. To see Maliau Falls, you need to trek 2 days on the treacherous relief and pass through miles and miles of dense pristine rainforest.

Maliau Falls
With over 30 waterfalls (and counting), Maliau Basin is also known as the Capital of Waterfalls, and Maliau Falls is the most breath-taking among them. Another feature of this waterfall is its tea-color water, which is caused by plant tannin released from heath forest upstream. The magnificent Maliau Falls will leave a beautiful memory in you, a scene that you like to replay in mind from time to time.
» Read more about Maliau Falls…

Which Waterfall is your Favorite?

Do you agree with the Top 10 Waterfalls list? Please vote for your favorite waterfall below. I would love to see if everyone shares the same view. You can even add new waterfall if your favorite is not in the list.

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Below is a montage of Top 10 Sabah Waterfalls (Click it for bigger picture). You may share it in your Facebook.
Sabah's Top 10 Waterfall
Thanks to readers who link to me.

Waterfall Safety

Accident is like winning lottery, we get it when we are least expecting it. Waterfall is an inviting dead trap that takes countless lives (especially over-excited kids). Please pay attention to the following precaution if you want to “play” with waterfall:

  1. Don’t swim near to the waterfall. The waterfall pond can be deep, with unseen swift currents underneath.
  2. Don’t climb to the top of waterfall, as the rocks there are usually slippery.
  3. Don’t stand under the waterfall. Even a small stone fallen high from top can cause severe injury.
  4. During wet season, watch out for flash flood. Flash flood can occur even if there is no rain downstream.
  5. Teachers, if you plan to bring a group of pupils to swim at waterfall, equip yourself with lifebuoy, rope and CPR knowledge.

If you know any nice waterfall around your hometown, please share with us by posting the photo in comment box below.

“Life is like a waterfall, it is always moving and there is always an uneven flow to it.” – SooHoo

Photos taken in Sabah, Malaysia Borneo

16 thoughts on “Top 10 Waterfalls of Sabah

    1. Hi Ennie, Sabah really has a lot of waterfalls. Probably I visit less than 5% of them. I’ll revise the list when I see more better and bigger waterfalls in future. 🙂

    1. Hi RD, I always want to visit Kadamaian Fall, but that’s a restricted area controlled by Sabah Parks. The landslide there also makes that place dangerous.

  1. Hi Murphy,
    I Just visited Mesisilad and Temburukoi Waterfall yesterday here near Tenom Actually it is a part of Crocker Range Park. Not so big but very clean and nice with deep pond i think. You must pay a visit.

    1. Thank you Jack. The waterfalls in Tenom must be very clean and cooling. There has been a long time I didn’t go to Tenom, sure will drop by the waterfalls there someday. Do you have the photos of these waterfalls?

      1. Yes i have take some photos. I forgot to take proper picture of 1st mesisilad waterfall, only one with me in the frame hehe..

        1. Thank you for sharing the photos with me Jack. Both waterfalls are so inviting. I hope it won’t be too cold to sit in the pond and enjoy couple of beer 😀

  2. الله سبحانه وتعال
    Islam Is The Truth
    The correct one spelling and this is a statement not a question.Alhamdulilah I bear a witness that there is no god except Allah and I bear a witness that prophet Muhammad is the messenger of Allah .All other religion is wrong ,Only Islam is the truth.Only Islam religion book like Quran ,Zabur ,Taurat and Injil is true words of god and prophet Muhammad hadith and sunnah is the truth .Humans don’t give sustenance,Allah gives sustenance, so he says almsgiving is better and giving alms is better. Pray to Allah.Hoki(Luck) and bad luck dont exist and I believe Allah is god. Only Allah have superpower and power. Semoga Allah mudahkan perjalanan dan urusan anda yang bermasalah ,Aamiin.Allah nama tuhan sudah semestinya huruf besar (SubhanAllah).Dont do all haram things and dont show awrat for both gender and dont singing in front non mahram man for women and dont hear non mahram women singing for man .Yang Maha Berkuasa dan Maha hanya untuk Allah sahaja.Takdir Allah semua berlaku bukan berlaku tiba tiba .Kita buat benda baik kerana Allah .benda takkan buat kita tenang ,Allah yang buat kita tenang.Jangan tengok aurat orang lain kerana Allah,aurat tu haram ditengok.nasib baik tak wujud ,kita tak patut percaya nasib baik kerana Allah.Jangan mencarut ,carut itu haram dan kita tak patut buat benda haram kerana Allah.Tanda salib tu haram guna .Allah have mercy on us muslim and all creature that good to him.Dont draw potret picture of living things.Kita sembah Allah sahaja delete kandungan tentang stadium shah alam.Petanda buruk tu mengarut dan jangan couple dan jangan percaya benda khurafat dan syirik dan berdosa untuk dipercayai ,Kita tak buat dan percaya benda mengarut kerana Allah .Jangan tiru suara perempuan kerana Allah dah tetapkan lelaki haram tiru perempuan .Kita tak patut buruk sangka kerana Allah ,Allah dah tetapkannya haram.Allah yang menceriakan kita ,kita cuma beriktiar sahaja.Kita kena bersyukur apa yang kita jadi kepada Allah ,Apa yang Allah takdirkan itu segalanya baik .Kita kena banyak membaca kerana Allah .Kita tak bersendirian Allah selalu bersama kita .Allah dah tetapkan couple itu haram ,kita tak patut couple kerana Allah.Allah adalah harapan kita,Kita perlu harapkan pada Allah sahaja .Allah perintahkan kita supaya bercakap yang baik baik sahaja.Allah dah tetapkan main ml tu haram dan ml tu ada unsur syirik.Kita tak patut main ml kerana Allah dan jangan lalai kepada Allah.Kebetulan tak wujud itu semua takdir Allah.Kita buat sesuatu yang baik kerana Allah .Kita tak patut main game ada unsur syirik kerana Allah .Allah yang paling penting dalam kewujudan kita dan Allah yang memiliki semua yang ada di seluruh alam semesta .Allah lah punca segala yang baik berlaku bukan makhluk .Kekalahan dan kemenangan itu takdir Allah bukan sebab makhluk ,tapi salah makhluklah kalau kalah sesuatu.Allah suruh cakap yang baik baik sahaja,Allah larang kita cakap benda berdosa. Allah yang membuatkan kita jadi gila atau tak tapi salah kitalah kalau jadi gila.Allah larang kita main games ada unsur syirik dan anomalies tu mengarut.Allah yang membuatkan kita paham bukan sebab kita lama belajar.Allah larang kita menipu dan ianya berdosa untuk menipu.Allah larang jual arak dan bekerja di tempat yang Allah haramkan untuk kita bekerja.Allah yang mencipta sesuatu manusia cuma berikhtiar dan Allah yang membuatkan manusia mampu berikhtiar.Kita patut boikot israel dan support palestine.Kita minta pada Allah sahaja dan hanya Allah sahaja ada kuasa.Allah larang kita mencarut,carut itu haram.Kita patut takut kepada Allah sahaja dan kita baca zikir dengan betul.Allah yang membuatkan kita jatuh cinta bukan selain daripada Allah.Kita patut banyak bersabar kerana Allah.Allah yang bagi sesuatu bukan selain daripasa Allah.Kita tak patut sambut sesuatu yang haram disambut seperti halloween kerana Allah.Kita tak boleh cerita mimpi buruk kerana Allah.Kita patut bersyukur walau apa pun yang terjadi kerana Allah,semua yang Allah takdirkan itu baik Kita tak patut guna tanda salib kerana Allah dan Allah dah tetapkannya haram.Kita tak patut tiru perangai berlainan jantina kerana Allah.Allah yang wujudkan sesuatu bukan makhluk.Hantu tak wujud.Only Allah is The Most Magnificent.Allah larang kita cakap benda berdosa dan aib kita sendiri.Kita buat benda baik kerana Allah dan jangan support chatgpt kerana ada dia hina Allah.Only Allah is our guardian and protector.Jangan support netflix ada content yang hina nabi.Kita tak bersendirian Allah ada bersama kita.Reincarnation tak wujud.Allah larang kita mencuri ,Allah dah tetapkan mencuri itu haram .Kita tak patut cari tahu aib orang lain kerana Allah.Allah sahaja yang tahu bila sesuatu itu berlaku. Lgbt is haram.Jangan mengambarkan sesuatu potret manusia dan mengatakannya sebagai nabi kerana itu sesuatu yang haram untuk mendustakan Allah dan agamanya .Allah larang kita berdusta.Allah larang main game ada unsur syirik .Jangan main shadow fight ada unsur syirik.Allah Maha Mengetahui tu betul.Kita patut doakan yang baik baik sahaja kepada Allah.Allah bagi kita poligami asalkan kita buat yang halal tu kerana Allah bukan kerana nafsu.We rely on Allah only.Tak kejam pun kucing makan tikus ,sama macam manusia makan ayam tak kejam pun sebab Allah dah takdirkan lumrah kehidupan sebegitu dan apa yang Allah takdirkan itu baik belaka.Allah yang tukarkan sesuatu jadi sesuatu yang lain dan manusia mana boleh berubah jadi kucing kecuali dengan izin Allah.Allah larang kita mempersendakan agama Islam dan tak lucu buat joke pasal ngaji dan iqra.Reincarnation tak wujud.Only Allah choose how you die.Allah yang hiburkan kita semua bukan manusia.Only Allah is our hope.Kita tak patut buat perkara yang haram dan kita patut tutup aurat dan perempuan tidak boleh menyanyi depan bukan mahram ,suaranya aurat bagi bukan mahram dan kita patut buat segala yang baik kerana Allah SWT.Kita patut puji Allah SWT dalam setiap sesuatu.Sebut AstagfiruAllah dengan betul.Allah is god and prophet Jesus is not god and we called prophet Jesus not Christ.Kita patut paling takutkan Allah sahaja ,Allah sahaja yang patut kita takuti.Earth shape is like ostrich and not flat.This is fact.Buang gambar dan bendera ada tanda salib

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