You Jam, I Jam

Finally I dumped my 3-year-old and malfunction Samsung SGH-A800 flip phone (b&w screen) and replaced it with Nokia 6020 today. Cost me nearly RM600, quite hurt. But now I have more toys to play with, video and voice recording, MMS, colour screen, GPRS, and a crappy 0.3 MP camera. In the past, I could not read any MMS and Chinese love messages. Now you may try to send it to me again.

This afternoon I had fun trying the camera in Wisma Merdeka. Now I can get closer to the people. In Sabah, we are already sick of those drivers who drive at 40KM/H at right lane. Compared to big city, Sabah people are relatively s…l…o…w… and they also enjoy making others slow. A lot of jam is not really caused by amount of traffic. Below are the evidences:

Block 1. Blocking the Busy Walkway
It is a common scene that two or more persons stand in the middle of busy walkway or the entrance. They may have a long conversation and hehehaha. Probably they think they have eaten a lot of glass (become transparent). Say sorry sincerely if you walk pass between them coz it is impolite to disrupt their conversation.

Block 2. Seize the Lift!!!
Sabah people are very afraid of lift. They worry that if they enter too slow into the lift, the door will close and smash them into pieces. So they will rush in, without waiting for the people inside to walk out. It is advisable that you stand and get ready behind the door before it opens, otherwise you will be trapped in the lift and can’t get out forever.

Block 3. Ikut Escalator Jika Tidak Memotong
Sabah people who first time travel in big city such as Hong Kong will kena marah if they use the escalator. There is an unwritten rule that the people on the escalator should let one side of the lane totally clear, for those who want to rush. The principal is just same as the road that has right lane as highway. In Sabah, we got plenty of time to waste. Take it easy ok.

Tour package to Mataking

6 thoughts on “You Jam, I Jam

  1. You forgot those that love to block the end of escalators and stairs to chat. I usually don’t take the lift if I can avoid it, scared I get stuck inside 😛

    Do you know the building owned by Yayasan Sabah (I think) in Menggatal? I used to study matriculation there and the lift is haunted! Actually that place is haunted 😛

  2. you forgot the bunch of aunties that walk side by side one.. if you get 4 of them they block the whole walk way… moving road block. anyway.. nice toy.. 6020 oooh.

  3. I do agree people in sabah are not used to standing at the left side when taking the escalators. When I was in Singapore, my hubby had to keep reminding me of keeping to the left when taking escalators because Singaporeans are used to the “left rule”. So, when I am back to Sabah, I practice the “left rule” when I take the escalators but I notice that lots of people in Sabah still practice “free standing” and totally oblivious to the goodwill of “left rule”…haa.

  4. Rainbow, fast paced places like singapore city and london, they would have signs to tell you to keep left, right lane is for people running down/up the escalator. Anyone realised that LTR or Monorail in KL? before anyone can step out, people already rush in…

  5. emily, did you see anything weird then?

    i was used to work late in my ex-company until 7 or 8 pm, when all my colleagues went home and the building was empty. i could always hear people walked and coughed in the kitchen behind. later someone told me that kitchen was actually haunted..

  6. Hmm there were quite a few incidents but I only write the not so frightening lift incident first, the others wait tomorrow morning when there is sunlight lol.

    I went to the adjacent building to find my friend who lives in the 3rd floor. Went in the lift and press the #3 button. The lift went to the third floor and stopped for the longest minutes in my life, the doors didn’t open. By this time I was already franticly pressing every button in the lift. The lift then went to the 4th floor and stop too but the doors still won’t open. After that it went down to the ground floor, doors still closed. Then it went to the first floor and finally opens the door! I quickly ran off and from that day on never took the lifts there anymore!

    Quite scary, the building is actually about 6 storeys high. Since I pressed every button the lift was suppose to go all the way up first then go down, but instead it went down on halfway~ The whole incident happened in maybe 5-10 minutes. Eeek!

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