Tiger comes to KK

This tiger has wings and it came for us on 1st of March. The water truck for emergency was standby.

Tiger Airways

Mickey mouse was also ready.

Tiger Airways

Water truck pee at the tiger.

Tiger Airways

Tour package to Kinabalu Park

The arrival of Tiger Airways. It is one of the key competitor of AirAsia. It brought hundreds of tourists from Singapore. JetStar was also coming to KK recently.

Tiger Airways

This is probably the starting of open sky policy among ASEAN countries. Due to economic downturn, more tourists mean more good news, as tourism industry is one of the top income for Sabah.

Cultural band (in Murut costume) welcomed the visitors.

Tiger Airways

Garlanding by girls dressed in different traditional costumes. I never got such VIP treatment.

Tiger Airways

Tourists were so happy and took photo for this historical moment.

Tiger Airways

Beautiful cabin crew.. Welcome to Sabah. Can I call you Thaigirl? Hehe..

Tiger Airways

Tiger Airways used to have a web site at http://www.tigerairways.com (Update: Tiger Airways has ceased operation). I casually browsed through it and found that we can take a flight from Kota Kinabalu to Singapore, then from Singapore to Perth (Australia) for less than RM1,000. Wow, isn’t it sound too good to be true?

Photos taken in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia Borneo

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