Slim and Beauty Exhibition

Just some photos of the fashion show of Slim and Beauty Exhibition in Sabah Trade Centre last Saturday. The design and catwalk were all done by students of Sabah Institute of Art (SIA). Help yourself…

Dresses with the theme “Coral”:
Slim and Beauty Exhibition

The “Inside Out” fashion show:
Slim and Beauty Exhibition

Why look so shock? If I were him, I would be so “syok”.
Slim and Beauty Exhibition

More Photos below…

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Tour package to Danum Valley
Catwalk Catwalk Catwalk

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Catwalk Catwalk Catwalk

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Catwalk Catwalk Catwalk

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Catwalk Catwalk Catwalk

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Catwalk Catwalk

Photos taken in Sabah, Malaysia Borneo

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