Raja Laut

Raja Laut, the King of the Seas

You know, though most Malaysians can’t afford to buy expensive cars such as Mercedes Benz, they still want to have a test drive to get a feel of it, if there is a chance. So do I. Though I’m prone to seasick (and not rich), that can’t stop my daydream to own a luxury yacht. :-p

Raja Laut parked at Jesselton Point
Personally I know about Raja Laut, the luxury yacht for some years. Raja Laut means “King of the Seas” in Malay language. I’m so envy whenever I see the beautiful photos taken by their customers on-board. God probably heard me, so I received an invitation from Raja Laut for a tour onboard last week.

Raja Laut Yacht charter
Above: Raja Laut stopped at Jesselton Point
Isn’t this 31-Meter sailing yacht sexy? Its body is made of high-quality wood, a classic design with modern taste.

Timothy the Operations Manager

going on-board
Timothy, the friendly Operations Manager of Raja Laut, invited me on-board and showed me around.

Before I say more, you may look at the layout diagram of Raja Laut that I copy from their website, so you will know all the areas I mention later. The yacht is divided into upper and lower decks.

Tour package to Kinabatangan

Upper Deck

upper deck of Raja Laut
Above: the deck area for enjoying sea view and most activities. The yacht can accommodate up to 30 guests, so you can host a small private party such as wedding onboard. Or you can charter the yacht for a seafaring and diving trip as far as India and Maldives. They can assign a divemaster onboard to company you.

navigator of Raja Laut
Above: the navigation area for captain.

deck for sunbathe
Above: you can lay on this deck for sunbathe *bikini models wanted*

walkway on Raja Laut
Above: the wooden walkway on upper deck

main sail of Raja Laut
Above: if you are bold enough, you can climb high up there and dive into water.

kitchen of Raja Laut
Above: the small kitchen

dining hall of Raja Laut
Above: the dining room

The yacht is designed by Carraz / Bosgraaf (from British if I’m correct). I like the little items that give a nostalgic feel.

pendulum to measure wave
For example, the copper pendulum that measure the wave level.

old lamp
I’m not sure what is the thing above but it looks like old lamp to me.

staircase to lower deck
Then Timothy took me to lower deck for a peek.

Lower Deck

In contrast to the warm temperature on upper deck, the lower deck is cooling b’coz of the air-conditioning.

living room area of Raja Laut
The living room is spacious and cozy. I just love the Borneo-themed wooden interior. This boat is a piece of art! There is a TV for playing DVD and PlayStation.

living room
There is a window on top so you can see the upper deck. The yacht is so stable, and I don’t feel that I’m on the sea.

lower deck and the rooms
They have 6 guest rooms (3 double cabin and 3 twin cabin) in lower deck. Each room can accommodate two persons, so they can have 12 guests to overnight onboard.

double cabin of Raja Laut
Above: the Double Cabin room

twin cabin of Raja Laut
Above: the Twin Cabin room

attached bathroom of cabin
Every room has an attached bedroom cum toilet.

books in lower deck
You can read some books provided onboard.

Basically, that’s all about my “look-around” tour on Raja Laut, and I never expect I’ll come back again. To my surprise, few days later Raja Laut invited me again for a sunset cruise in the following week. I was really thrilled!

Sunset Cruise

There are a few other guests invited onboard. Among them are Iskandar and Chloe from Breeze Mag.

shoes not allowed
Shoes are not allowed onboard, so we put our shoes in a basket.

onboard of Raja Laut
It was raining in the afternoon. Luckily it stopped around 6pm. Everyone was still very excited, even though the weather was not so promising.

lady captains
Now I have a few gorgeous models for my photos. Thanks ladies! 🙂

Raja Laut chasing sunset
The daylight is vanishing fast so Raja Laut departed to chase after the sunset. We still managed to get a glimpse of the fading sunset.

Above: these are how Sabah sunset looks like.

snacks and cocktail onboard

snacks and drink for sunset cruise
Yeah~ Snacks and cocktail served onboard! I really enjoy every moment on-board.

seeing Kota Kinabalu from Raja Laut
Above: Kota Kinabalu city looks so romantic and lovely after the sunset.

visit the lower deck of Raja Laut
Thank you Raja Laut for your hospitality and fulfill part of my (day)dream.

If you would like to charter the yacht for a sunset cruise, private function or a sea trip, you may visit their website at www.rajalaut.com and contact them online.

Photos taken in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia Borneo

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