Liang Yung Hua Restaurant (???)

Liang Yung Hua Restaurant (梁荣华饭店) and its 80-year-old recipe

Can we put equal sign between “New” and “Better”? Probably not everything, especially for traditional food by Leong Wing Hua Restaurant in Papar town, which is famous for their roasted pork prepared in original way for over 80 years.

Old wooden shops in Papar town
Old wooden shophouses in Papar town

Papar is 37 Km away from Kota Kinabalu City. The old wooden shophouses there would be the first thing that grabs your attention. Outsiders may think that it’s a sign of under-development and ought to be replaced.

The location of Liang Yun Hua Restaurant
The location of Liang Yun Hua Restaurant

However, the locals may not agree, as they appreciate these old building as a heritage. You will understand their sentiment, after you have a meal at Leong Wing Hua Restaurant (Other names: Restoran Liang Yun Hua, Kedai Makan Liang Yung Hua; 梁荣华饭店 in Chinese). The authentic taste of their roasted pork brings you back to the era when taste and quality matter more than profit.

Liang Yun Hua Restaurant in Papar town
Liang Yun Hua Restaurant is over 80 years old

The interior of Leong Wing Hua Restaurant is quite basic. No fancy theme, no air-conditioning, and no music, but it’s always crowded with people who want great food.

Liang Yung Hua Restaurant (梁荣华饭店)
Liang Yung Hua Restaurant (梁荣华饭店)

Leong Wing Hua Restaurant serves excellent roasted duck, Chinese sausages, and roasted pork (烧鸭、叉烧、烧腊、脆皮烧肉 in Chinese). You better be there early before everything is sold out. Normally we eat these with noodle or rice.

Food menu of Liang Yun Hwa Restaurant
Food menu of Liang Yun Hwa Restaurant (see translation in blue at the left)

Their noodle is also handmade, which tastes better, less oily and more chewy. Another must try is their Vinegar / Sour Pork Trotter (猪脚醋 in Chinese). Each dish costs about RM6.50 (≈US$1.60). Please see food menu above (prices as of Mar 2016).

Tour package to Semporna
Old photo of Liang Yung Hua Restaurant
Old photo of Liang Yung Hua Restaurant

This restaurant was started by Liang family in 1937 and is passed down to 4th generation now. The founder learned the “secret” recipe of making delicious roasted pork from a Hong Kong chef who worked for a wealthy family. Even after 80 years, the restaurant insists to grill the pork in traditional way with charcoal.

Noodle with roasted pork and Chinese sausage
Noodle with roasted pork and Chinese sausage

The slow and mild grilling process by charcoal can keep the meat juicy and smoke it with nice aroma. In contrast, most restaurants today order roasted pork from distributors, who usually use “shortcut” method, i.e. by gas or electric oven, to mass-produce mediocre roasted pork to save time and cost.

Noodle of Liang Yung Hua Restaurant
Noodle of Liang Yung Hua Restaurant. Papar folks like to put a bit of Tomato Ketchup (Maggi brand) for the best taste.

FYI, Leong Wing Hua Restaurant also makes Hakka Pork Belly With Yam (客家扣肉) during Chinese New Year by special order.

Chinese sausage of Liang Yun Hua Restaurant
Chinese sausage of Liang Yun Hua Restaurant

The following is the location and contact of the restaurant:
Cellphone: +60 16-5366971 (Ah Lun)
Address: P. O. Box 158, 89608 Papar, Jalan Masjid Papar, Sabah, Malaysia
(Next to SJK Cheng Hwa Primary School; 吧巴正华小学 in Chinese)
Opening Hours: 7am – 2pm (may close earlier if items sold out) (closed on Monday)
GPS: 5.735573, 115.932982 (see Location Map or Street View)

Photos taken in Papar, Sabah, Malaysia Borneo

3 thoughts on “Liang Yung Hua Restaurant (梁荣华饭店) and its 80-year-old recipe

  1. many years ago, when i didn’t have a car yet, i boarded a minivan to get home. On the way, the van’s engine overheated. to compound the problem, when one passenger alighted, the sliding door could not be closed. In the end, we had to take THE WHOLE sliding door off, put it on the roof, tie it down, and proceeded on our journey. Unfortunately, I did not bring a camera with me then.

  2. I’ve seen a van drive by without any windows or front panel, but man, no door? I dunno bout you guys, but I suppose this guy was going for a key-less entry system =O

  3. wow…

    the driver is so strong man….imagine that he or maybe SHE???!!!! if the driver was a woman..walauweiii…

    ok..ok..back to the story..imagine la if he/she was holding that door from tuaran to penampang…or from KB to KK/RANAU to KK…waaaahhh isn’t he/she soooo strongg???!!!

    (p/s:beurat suda tangan dia tu..apalagi klu dia perempuan…muahahahaha)

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