Coconut Festival (Pesta Kelapa) of Kudat

Coconut Fashion Show
To recognise and appreciate the significant contribution of coconut, the 9th annual Pesta Kelapa (Coconut Festival) was organised successfully from Sep 8 to 11, 2005 in Kudat town. The event was held in Tomborungus Field, somewhere in the centre of the town, very convenient. If you plan to go to Kudat by bus, you can catch up the 8 AM or 1 PM bus near the bus terminal of Padang Merdeka. The drive will take 3 hours and the ticket costs about RM15 (one way). FYI, the 8AM bus from Kudat to Kota Kinabalu is available in front of the Ria Hotel. For locals, you would prefer to get there with your car as the road condition to Kudat is good.

If you find this event interesting, do not miss it next year. I heard that they would celebrate the 10th Pesta Kelapa (in year 2006) in big scale. The Coconut Fashion Queen Pageant, which had children and adult categories held in different day, is really something unique, creative, and of course, fun. There were over 50 coconut dress designs shown, and you can see the complete collection in this site. Somehow I think I should get a trophy or something. The Pesta Kelapa has been around for 9 years and I guess I am the only one who creates a online photo gallery for the Coconut Fashion Show. 🙂

There were some small-scale sport events and exhibition during daytime. The number of exhibition booths were much lesser than the Sago Festival and GATA Festival. A main thing that was left out was the opportunity to try out different exotic food and dishes made of coconut, like the Sago Festival. I expected to eat a lot of coconut food but ended up having my meals at the restaurants nearby. But overall, the event is well done.
Check out the photo gallery…

Coconut Festival

Photos taken in Kudat, Sabah, Malaysia Borneo

Tour package to climb Mount Kinabalu

6 thoughts on “Coconut Festival (Pesta Kelapa) of Kudat

  1. I wonder who came up with this “smart” idea of coconut fashion show? Honestly I could not see any meaningful connection whatsoever between coconut and fashion in the first place. Perhaps the money would be better spent on organising “Durian Fighting Competition”. At least one of the real features of the fruit is fully exploit within such context.

    Hopefully they will not organise a “Seafood Fashion Show” next year…

  2. Yeah, best if we can eat their dresses. 🙂

    I will be very interested to see the Durian Fighting. They can use durian to make various kind of weapons. e.g. tie them to rope, at the end of the stick, use the seed as dart, or wear the durian shirt, durian hat… using Thai, Malaysia, wild… durians. 🙂

  3. Hi.. i am planning to export coconuts oversea, can i request the contact no. of the coconut platation company or suppliers in Kudat?

    Please email me the coconut suppliers cantact no. as soon as possible.

    Thank You.

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